My Summer (so far) in Pictures

Hey! I'm still here, I promise!

I've had a super busy summer working with Notre Dame Vision, a week-long conference for high school students. The last of four weeks starts today, and I'll be sure to have more regular posts after this week... hashtag my b.

Since my trip to Austin in May, my summer has been a mish mash of hipster bars, races, trips to Lake Michigan, and running around/ driving golf carts across campus/ bandaging wounds/ picture taking for ND Vision. Here are some snapshots of what my summer has looked like so far:

Austin: Hipster bar, hipster friends

Casual 1st half marathon
Quiet time on the beach
Dunes at Lake Michigan
Steve's first day of Master's classes (for the summer) // First day of Vision for me!
Basilica Mass
My view from the choir loft
Candlelight prayer service
Some of the crazy awesome people with whom I get to spend my summer

It's been a crazy summer but I'm loving every minute of it!


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