
Hello friends! Welcome to my blog!

My name is MayaJoy, and I am a 22-year-old college graduate. A few months ago (June 2012), I discovered that I have an Atrial Septal Defect, which is basically just a fancy name for a hole in my heart. I'll go over that in another entry, but for now, I want to explain why I created this blog.

A few months ago when I was diagnosed, I found myself wanting to know everything possible about my heart and what was going on with it. While I found all the medical articles and explanations informative, after a while, I just wanted to know that I wasn't alone in this. I pored over the internet for hours and hours, looking for stories from real people that would give me hope and let me know I wasn't alone. While there were many support sites for adults and young children with heart problems, there weren't many for people my age. I decided to make a blog, mainly for selfish reasons: I want to be able to document this time in my life and to be able to look back and see what was happening, what I was thinking, and what I was feeling. With that said however, I think that if just one person finds my blog somewhere on the "interwebs" and can find comfort/ hope/ joy in any part of my story, then I have helped someone.

I also knew that I wanted something more out of many of the stories I was reading. My Catholic faith is something very important to me, and I wanted to be able to reflect on my experience through the lens of faith. I will be writing about my journey keeping my faith in mind, and remembering where God is through all of this (hint: He is everywhere).

Thank you for listening!



  1. Hey Maya! I don't know if you're familiar with reddit.com at all, but I thought it might be a way for you to reach out and find somebody who's going through something similar. People often post about tough situations that they're in to look for help or support. I searched atrial septal defect and found a few related posts: http://www.reddit.com/search?q=atrial+septal+defect&restrict_sr=off&sort=relevance. Most of the posts are a few months to a year old, but you might be able to send a message through reddit to get in contact with people who've had this condition, if you're interested. You could also link your blog on reddit.
    Maya, you're part of my ND family, and I care about you. I want you to know that I'll be praying for you and thinking of you. And thank you for allowing us to go on this journey with you through your blog <3

    1. Thank you, Kirsten. :) I did look on reddit, and there are a lot of great resources. Thanks for the link! I hope all is well.


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