Freak(y) Friday: U is for Unicorn

Confession: I'm really weird.

So... I just got this in the mail the other day. Sender: unknown.

Let me explain...
In high school, my best friend and I were in a creative writing class. This class was a challenge for OCD, Type A, one answer for everything Maya, and it took me a while to get used to writing with such creativity... So as a joke, my friend and I started inventing hilarious stories about unicorns. I remember one about a unicorn named Janice doing daily exercises in the morning with another unicorn life partner. We even had theories to explain things like narwhals, white horses and those unicorn horn-shaped seashells (hint: everything points back to unicorns). Like I said, I was weird, guys.

When people ask me when I started "liking" unicorns, I tell them I can't remember, and I usually reference my extremely awkward high school days. But the other day, I found PROOF that my appreciation of unicorns has been a part of me for longer than I can even remember:

Apparently, I have loved unicorns since at least April 1997. Whoah.

So, here's a tribute to my weirdness, and to everyone's little quirks.
Long live the unicorns.

The following montage of embarrassing photos is best enjoyed with music. 
Play the song, skip to ~38 seconds, and enjoy as you scroll through!

High School:




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