So Heart to Tell

Are you a college student...or do you just have a hole in your heart? 
Sometimes it's heart to tell. I've outlined 5 signs that are often mistaken as harmless and inherent to the "normal college lifestyle". 

Five signs you:
A. Are a college student
B. Actually have a hole in your heart
C. Both A and B.

(click below to read more!)

1. You get hot flashes. 
It's easy to get flustered in college. Those 8am Organic Chemistry exams sure are a cause for anxiety (I once left an exam--or two or three--crying). But when you're sweating in your shorts/ boat shoes combo while everyone else is wearing their parka because its January in the Midwest... It's time to check yourself.

2. You drink way too much coffee. Way too much.
I get it. Caffeine = yum. And keeps you awake. Maybe question yourself when you're reaching for cup #8 of coffee and its 2am.

3. You get out of breath easily.
I know, taking the elevator is so much easier than taking the stairs (hashtag first-world problems). But are you taking it because you're just lazy, or because stairs legitimately makes you lose your breath?

4. You are tired all the time.
Yeah yeah, you're type A and therefore having free time = huge no no. But if everything exhausts you and you always feel drained, it's time to reevaluate your life choices and possibly reevaluate the "my body is invincible" mantra.

5. "My heart is pounding."
Boy: Aww, that's so sweet, honey.
You: No, it's not you. It's me. My heart is literally pounding.
Has this situation ever happened to you? Time to rethink the phrase "You make my heart skip a beat."

This post was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but seriously though...
I thought I was just tired/ inappropriately hot/ majorly out of shape all the time because I was working my butt off in college... Well, I was working my butt off, but my heart was also working overtime and I didn't even know it! If you ever have questions or concerns about your health or well-being, talk to a healthcare provider. It's always better to be safe than sorry!

More info: 
-American Heart Association 


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