"I Will": February Review

Hey friends!
Sorry that this post is so long overdue. Here is my February Review of my New Year's Resolutions. You can see my previous posts here and here.

1. Run. 
I signed up for a race. It's long. That's all I'm saying about that for now. :) 

Speed drills on the soccer field!

2. Bike to work. 
STILL haven't done this, but I have taken my bike around town to run errands. Bad news bears = everything is downhill from my house... which means everything is uphill on the way home. 

3. Make a physical photo album. 
Not yet. Come on, Maya! 

4. Pursue nursing.
My Bio and Psych classes are going swimmingly. Just aced another exam in Bio! Woot woot.  I'm on track to apply to some accelerated BSN programs this autumn! 

5. Be more grateful. 
I found a new (for me) Catholic Church in Cottonwood, and I am so incredibly grateful to have found a place where I can continue to grow in my faith. I'm also so grateful for friends that live nearby, and my wonderful job... I love the teachers, students and faculty with whom I work. 

I dressed up as the Cat in the Hat for school one day. 

6. Spend quality time. 
I'm still going to hot yoga and LOVE it. I'm also trying to be more spontaneous when it comes to friend dates. 

7. Grow in my faith.
I'm actually enjoying going to mass again. My local Church just wasn't cutting it, with Sunday Mass only lasting about 37 minutes (I timed them, several times). That's WAY too short. Mass is an experience that isn't meant to be rushed through. Anyways, I finally found another Church nearby that has great Sunday masses. I'm also trying to pray Morning Prayer or Night Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours at least twice a week! 

8. Make music.
I jammed out in the car? Stay tuned though, I'm planning on taking my beloved violin out this month (March) and playing some old favorite songs. 

9. Do something that scares me. 
Haha. Yes. I did. But I'm not telling you all quite yet, mostly because I feel like a crazy woman for committing to said thing. See this recent post for a hint. ;) I really want to do something heights-related by the end of the year... I'm thinking maybe a hot air balloon ride? 

10. Grow as a blogger. 
I'm trying to be more consistent in my blogging! I'm making some new blogger friends, and I've been reading a book about blogging...So many great ideas. 

11. Advocate. 
Writing and blogging about my experience, and letting my life speak for itself... seeing where it goes from there! I'm still blogging for Heartwaves (read my past posts here and here), and I'm working on writing at least one post a month. 

12. Create more art. 
I haven't made art per se, but I have made a few special learning aides for the students in my reading groups at school. It required creativity, so I'm counting that as art! 


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